Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Friday morning, my good friend from work was dropped off at the airport by her dad. She was going to visit her boyfriend who is in school in Ohio. Friday night her dad had a stroke and passed away. This rocked me to my core. This girl is so sweet and amazing, and in an instant her life was changed forever.

It just puts into perspective everything we take for granted in this life. I have a roof over my head, an unbelievably amazing family, great friends, a job, and food. You'd think that's all we would need. But no, we always want more. Why are we so unsatisfied with the great things we already have? We always want latest gadgets and gizmos that make life easier. A lot of us already have everything that SHOULD make life easy enough.

There are people in this world that have so much less than I do, yet a lot of times, it seems like they're the ones that are happier and that are giving back more than I ever have.

God has blessed me so immensely, yet I fail to appreciate it most of the time. I hope and I pray that I cannot and will not take for granted everything He has given me.

Please keep the Ledford family in your prayers. Spencer is a dear friend, and she is going through a rough time with the sudden loss of her father.

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