Monday, February 15, 2010

Weight Loss Bucket List

Today was great. I got back on track! I did the Couch to 5K, Week 4 Day 1. I didn't know if i would be able to do it. It was difficult and it sucked, especially towards the end, but I ran a total of 16 minutes! In intervals, run 3 walk 1.5, run 5 walk 2.5, and repeat. It felt so good!

Ok, so I was on Facebook and a friend who is also losing weight, posted on her status that she was going to make a weight loss bucket list. I thought this was an awesome idea, so I did one of my own. Here it is, things I want to do as I continue and when I'm done losing weight. I'm sure I will continue to add to this list as I think of new things and cross others off. I hope those of you who are going through a similar journey will do the same. I really think this will be a good motivator. I hope to have the first crossed off my list in May.

Weight Loss Bucket List

Run a 5K
Run a 10K
Run a ½ Marathon
Run a Marathon
Go Rock Climbing
Go Hiking
Take Ballroom Lessons
Wear A Size 8
Go Skydiving
Be Asked Out On A Date
Buy A Little Black Dress
Fly Somewhere
Be Confident in My Own Skin

Love and Grace,


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Singles Awareness Day

Ok, so usually Valentine's or Singles Awareness Day, doesn't bother me too much. This year is a little different I guess. I mean, I'm always aware that I'm single, so maybe it's not that different, lol. But I guess I've just been thinking about it too much today. I am a complete hopeless romantic. I know it will happen someday, but I wish that day were today. I feel like I have so much to share and offer someone, and I'm just waiting for the chance. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be the psycho clingy girlfriend or anything, I do wish I could get out of the friend zone though. I am lucky and I have some really great friends, mostly guys, but that's all I'll be. I wish that sometime I could meet someone that might think of me more than just a friend. Unfortunately, I fear that until I lose weight I will be seen as nothing else than the 'fat' friend. I'm so incredibly self-conscious of what my friends think of me. I'm more scared of what they think than I am of people I don't know, and it should be the opposite. Actually, it should be neither. I should only care what I think, but unfortunately, I don't see that happening.

I'm a freaking catch. I know I am, but no one can see past the outside. When I fall for someone, I usually fall flat on my face and get my heartbroken, but they usually don't know. I keep it bottled up from them, because no one could fall for someone like me. At least those are the thoughts in my head. Though it may not always be true, it's what it is most of the time.

My heart is so full and I'm so ready to share it with someone. Good music, good lyrics, a good movie, a good book, it all gets me going. I'm lonely. I have great friends, great family, great pets, but it doesn't matter, I still feel alone. Looking forward to the day I get share my life with someone.

Hope this doesn't sound like a crazy person wrote it (though we all know I'm a bit nuts, :P). I'm not looking for sympathy or anything of that sort, I just need to write and vent a little. Hoping you all have a great Valentine's day, full of love.

Love and Grace,



Hey all! Hope everyone is doing well on this day. I haven't posted for a couple weeks, but I've got a couple topics today, and I just really have a need to write in general today. Hopefully the blogs will suffice, but we shall see. I may have to do a writing prompt later. First, motivation.

For the month of January, I was incredibly motivated. I worked out at least six days a week, and I worked out pretty hard. I lost about ten pounds in January alone, and I've lost another three since. So 13 in all so far, and it feels good. For some reason though, this month, I have lost so much motivation. I have not been working out near as much, and my eating has been decent, except this past weekend.

I have no clue what my deal is. Am I sabotaging myself? I'm really afraid that I am going to have a gain on this scale this week, and part of me hopes that I do. Maybe if I do have a gain this week, it will kick my butt back into gear. At the very very least I have got to get back on track with the C25K program. I got my running shoes almost a week ago, and I've only run with them once. I have to get back on track. There is no way around it. I'm trying to run a marathon in a little over a year! It's not going to happen, unless I really focus.

I know I've inspired several people, and that means so so much to me. I thought that would be enough to keep me going without stopping. I think it still is. I'm not only doing this for me anymore, I'm doing it for the people that are doing this with me. I can't fail. There's no way around it. Still, I'm scared. I'm scared of failure and so much more. It's so real. I have to get my mojo back. I don't have a choice.

This is a re-commitment. Tomorrow, I'm getting back on board. Better exercising, running, and eating. A better me. Hold me to it people.