Sunday, April 4, 2010

Restart....Again, hopefully for good this time.

Hey guys. I'm sorry it's been awhile, almost 2 months! I haven't been blogging because I've been ashamed of what I haven't been doing. I have a lot of people that have told me that they were motivated by my determination, and I haven't had any determination in two months. It makes me sad and disappointed in myself.

The beginning of the year I was so motivated and worked out all the time, and I loved it. For some reason, I stopped pushing myself. I can't explain it, but I have to get past it. I have to get back to it. I'm so afraid that my goal of running a 5k NEXT month is going to pass me by. Unfortunately, I am going to have to start the Couch to 5k, almost all over again, but I'm going to do it. I have to. I have to change my environment to fit my needs.

Tonight, I caught up on this week's Biggest Loser. Contestants that had been eliminated were given another chance to go back to the campus. I feel like maybe this is my new chance. I feel like I was eliminated early in my own game, but I've got another chance to get back into it. It's a chance I have to take, and I might get eliminated again, but I will not fail, no matter how many chances it takes for me to get it. I still plan on running a marathon in a year. It's a very scary thought though, one year, and I have to start all over again. Ahhh!

Ok. Enough. Tomorrow morning, I'm back to it. I have to be, I don't have a choice. Thanks to everyone who reads my blog, you help motivate me! Please, if you don't mind, continue the encouragement. I really do need it. I know technically, I've got a people doing this with me, but I work-out alone, and sometimes it's difficult, especially because I get bored. Thanks for everything. Good luck in all of your endeavors!

Grace, Peace, and Love,



  1. Jayna, I'll share that I never seem to be at a point in my life where I stay motivated to workout for very long, but like you, at the beginning of the year I committed to myself that I would run a 1/2 marathon before the year was up. The goal seemed like a stretch considering that a few years back I'd decided to run a 5K and didn't even do that. Nevertheless, I stuck to a training regime that I found online ( and I'm thrilled to say that I just ran the 1/2 marathon on Friday!! It feels phenomenal to reach that goal! I hope that can be an encouragement to you, since you're such an encouragement to others :)
    Grace and Peace,

  2. That's awesome Leia! Congrats! Thanks for the words of wisdom!

  3. Hi Jayna. I randomly came across your most recent post - I know it's been awhile - and I thought I'd offer some encouragement. I'd like to learn a little bit about how you're working to accomplish your goals. I think your goals are ones that can be reached and I think that it will be easier than you really know.

    I'm working on a plan to help people in your situation. I'd like to find out a little bit about how you are working toward your goal, and what some of your difficulties have been like. I've had a hard time losing a bit of weight in the past myself, so I know that it can be a hard thing to deal with.

    It would be a lot of help to me, and maybe a lot of other people too, if I could interview you a little bit about how things are going. What would you say to this?

  4. K, Sorry I just read this it's been a bit. I think that'd be great if you still want to.

  5. Go ahead and drop me an email at paging.the.specialist at gmail dot com. Will look forward to hearing back from you!
