Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello, My Name Is....Renewed

BreakThru 2010, was, as always, phenomenal. This year though, it was different, for me. It was great, and it is a wonderful way to ring in the new year. The Holy Spirit was at work in so many ways, and I could see it in everyone. I was in tears every at least every evening session, mainly because I could see what God is doing in so many lives. The speaker was awesome, and the band, Dutton, was incredible, like they were last year. Witnessing so many youth, adults, college students, and youth workers praising God with so much emotion is a site that I never forget.

The theme this year was "Hello, My Name Is." It was about the labels and names we give ourselves and each other, the words that define who we are. In 2009 my names were, depressed, selfish, low self-esteem, fat, self pity, and so many more, but a couple of weeks ago, it changed.

If you've read my past couple of posts about weight loss and goals that I've set for myself, this is how it happened.

In one sleepless night, my life changed. It was just one of those nights when my brain wouldn't shut off and I couldn't sleep. It was recently after The Biggest Loser finale, so I was thinking a lot about my weight and my life, and just changing it. Changing everything. So I prayed. I don't remember every thought I had, but I just know that when I woke up that morning, I was different. I was renewed. I had a confidence that I don't remember ever having. I loved myself and who I was and am. That's when I promised myself that January 1, 2010, was going to be the true restart of my life. I am making no resolutions, I am just starting all over.

That's why I was so excited for BreakThru 2010. It was an amazing jumpstart to the restart of my life. It was different though. I was expecting to come home feeling all of these amazing things, and I did, but most of them, I was feeling before I even left. That is a great feeling in and of itself. The names for myself 2010 are and will continue to be, renewed, revived, happy, loved, and loving.

So today is a new day, a new year, and an official new me. However, I can't do this on my own. I need help and I have help in God. I believe though, that God has put people in my life for a reason. So here it is, I'm calling on you to help me. Hold me accountable in my life, in every aspect. If you need help with something, I'm here. God has put me in your life for a reason too.

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